Saturday, February 28, 2009

Your Love is Sweeter than Ice Cream by bhaby_aiya09

Title : Your Love is Sweeter than Ice Cream
Author : bhaby_aiya09
Status : Completed.
Reviewer : Mickey @ RawrOutLoud

Warning : The reviewer has nothing against the author. This is just an honest and strict review which will help the author to improve himself/herself in the next attempt of writing a story. Please do not get angry if there any unpleasant comments.

Title: 5/5
I thought that the title fit perfectly with the story because Gui Gui absolutely loved ice cream, but her relationship with Aaron was even sweeter which is the whole point of the story.

Poster/Background: 8/10
The poster didn’t really shine out to me, but it’s a bonus that you made it ; because not many people make their own posters. I actually gave you 6/10, but since you made your own poster I added two points. As for the background, it was actually really hard to read the writings because the font color was purple and so was the background. It would be nice if the font color was something darker or if you changed the background color to something lighter.

Forewords: 6/10
The forewords was really boring for me, considering that you didn’t really add that much details ; which didn’t make me that interested. But since this is your first story, I guess it’s excusable.

Plot: 10/15
The plot was okay. Not outstanding, but very nice. You know?Guy and girl break up. New guy shows up, they like each other. Problems come in as the ex- comes in the scene again. It’s similar to all the stories that I’ve read. But you added in your own ideas in the plot.

Creativity/Originality: 11/15
I’m too sure about the originality, because like I said above, I already read this kind of plot before. Although, you did add your own feeling to your story & the creativity was great.

Flow: 8/10
The flow was actually really great! It didn’t go too fast or too slow, except the ending. I thought the ending was a bit rushed. Maybe you were trying to finish fast ?

Spelling/Grammar/Vocabulary: 6/10
I spied a few spelling errors, but a lot of grammar errors, which got in the way of me understanding what they were trying to say. I couldn’t fully understand, but I was still able to know what was going on. I suggest you proofread over before you post.

Characterization: 7/10
I wasn’t really able to learn about the characters personality because it didn’t say much. But what I was able to figure out was that Gui Gui’s parents were really chill and so was Aaron’s grandma.

Writing Style: 6/10
You wrote in script writing, which made it kind of easier to read but I still had some difficulties trying to understand what the characters were trying to say. Plus, there wasn’t much details except the parts where you put the parentheses.

Overall Enjoyment: 4/5
I actually really enjoyed reading this.I enjoyed it so much that I finished your review in a whole day, but your chapters were a little bit short, so I was able to finish it faster. Ha-ha.

Sub Total: 71/100

Bonus: 5/5
This was a really enjoyable story to read! My favorite part of the story was when they went to the restaurant and were listing things of what the heard of each other from Aaron’s grandma.

Total: 76/100